234 Jefferson Ave
Mineola, New York 11501
e : studio @ joshuadavis.com
t : 1.516.417.3111
Atrbute / inquiries
Aaron Barr
Orbit of Influence is part of the fxhash live minting experience at Proof of People, ZeroSpace NYC, 2023 and is a unique generative program created using processing's p5js and SVG. Developed from scratch, it employs a system of rule-based environments that have been a source of satisfaction for me since 1995.

The program generates three invisible planets, each at a different scale - small, medium, and large. Fifty objects then randomly select a planet, a speed to orbit around it, and one of three brush sizes - small, medium, or large. These objects move around their respective planets, painting color and texture across the planetary orbit in three-dimensional space.